Like many animals, there are myths about cats that aren’t based on any real facts and are well, just myths. Here are six of them.
1. Pregnant Women Should Avoid Cats
This thought is based on the thought that pregnant women should avoid cats due the possible infection with toxoplasmosis. Expectant mothers can interact with cats; it’s the litter box that’s a no-no. One of the ways toxoplasmosis is spread is through cat feces and litter. If pregnant women avoid contact with the litter box and have someone else clean the litter box area, there should be no problems. So, feel free to continue mothering your cat while you’re waiting for your baby.
2. A Cat Without Whiskers Will Have No Sense of Balance
Cats use their whiskers as “feelers,” but not to maintain balance. How a cat positions its whiskers can also be an indication of mood. Whatever you do, don’t cut a cat’s whiskers, or pull on them. Whiskers are rooted deep in the skin where nerve endings are abundant.
3. Milk Can be Fed to Cats
A cute cat quietly lapping at a saucer of milk. What could be more natural? Cats are more than happy to imbibe in a good helping of milk if it is available, but the truth is milk packs a lot of punch for such a small animal. Many cats get diarrhea from milk and too much milk can quickly add up to an obesity problem. Your best bet is sticking with well-balanced nutrition formulated specifically for cats. Save the milk for your cereal.
4. Brushing a Cat’s Teeth is Silly
Well, your cat will have the last laugh when his breath makes your eyes water. Routinely brushing your cat’s teeth not only freshens breath, but it also limits the risk of oral disease and gives you a chance to notice anything unusual happening to teeth and gums. Don’t brush off brushing. It can make your cat more pleasant to be around and help prevent an array of serious health problems down the road. Ask your veterinarian.
5. A Cat That Eats Grass is Sick
While several theories about animal grass consumption exist, veterinarians have no proven answers. However, research indicates an amazing possibility: animals may just like to eat grass. So don’t panic if your cat nibbles at the lawn from time to time. If the nibbling turns into a daily feast, talk to your veterinarian.
6. Garlic in a Cat’s Diet Helps Eliminate Worms
Garlic may cause anemia in cats and should be avoided.
Did You Know?
A jellyfish is comprised of 95% water.
Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump.
The groundhog is only accurate, when predicting the weather, 28% of the time.
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than his brain.
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