Everyone knows cats are experts at napping, but do you know they’re also hard workers? They’re natural rodent deterrents, and they love their jobs! If you have a farm, stable, warehouse, factory, greenhouse, nursery, winery, distillery, junkyard, storage facility, repair shop, or retail store, and you have a problem with rodents, our Working Cat Program might be the solution. Cats in the Program are spayed/neutered and have at least rabies and distemper vaccinations. These cats are those who aren’t socialized enough, or have other limitations, preventing them from being placed for adoption in a home environment. This non-traditional approach allows these cats to receive shelter, access to food and water, and the care they need while offering the service of expert rodent control to their kindhearted adopters. There is no adoption fee for our working cats, but a donation is greatly appreciated. To learn more about our Working Cat Program please call the RCHS Adoption Center at 802.483.6700, email them at adoptions@rchsvt.org or visit Rchsvt.org.
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