The chameleon has several cell layers beneath its transparent skin and these layers are the source of the chameleon’s ability to change color. Some of the layers contain pigments, while others just reflect light to create new colors. A popular misconception is that chameleons change color to match their environment. This isn’t true and several factors contribute to the color change, which include light, temperature, and the chameleon’s emotional state. The chameleon will most often change between green, brown, and gray, which coincidently often matches the background colors of their habitat. Another interesting fact about chameleons is that they can move their eyes in two different directions at the same time. Chameleons are amazing creatures, but sometimes are not the best choice as pets. They are not for beginners because their requirements are quite specific, and they are easily stressed. They do not like to be handled so pass this reptile by if you want a pet that doesn’t require a lot of work and that you can handle.
Creatures Corner Fun Facts
A rat can tread water for three days and survive being flushed down the toilet. And it can return to the building via the same route.
There is approximately one rat per person in the United States.
Not all rats live close to humans of the 56 known species, many live in remote habitats like marshlands and rain forests, and some are endangered.
Rabbits are not nocturnal they are crepuscular. This means that they are most active at dusk and dawn.
Sheep hate to be alone, so they live in flocks.
Sheep are valuable because they often graze land that other livestock cannot.
There are 150 yards of wool/yarn in a baseball.
President Wilson kept sheep on the lawn of the White House in 1918.
June is National Turkey Lovers Month.
Gobbling turkeys can be heard a mile away on a quiet day.
About 46 million turkeys are eaten each Thanksgiving.
The largest turkey on record weighs 86 pounds.
Turkey are the only species of poultry that are native to the Western hemisphere.
Turkeys’ heads change color when they are excited.
Turkey skin can be tanned and used to make cowboy boots and belts.
Rats do not sweat. They regulate their temperature by constricting or expanding blood vessels in their tails.
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