Both dog harnesses and collars have benefits, but which one is the best to use and for which purpose? There are several things to consider when deciding between a collar or harness. Collars are better for daily wear and for carrying the identification and immunization tags that both city and country dogs should always wear. Even dogs that are kept indoors can get out and an identification tag may make the difference between whether your dog is returned to you or lost forever.
Collars are also more effective during training as the tug of the leash can more easily communicate your instructions to the dog. Choke collars that aren’t used correctly can make the dog greatly dislike training or even cause serious injury, so it is better that you use a well-fitted nylon or leather collar and train from puppy hood. A collar is easier to put onto the dog, and most of them can be left on all the time, whereas a harness must be strapped on before a training session or a walk and then removed when the exercise is finished. This prevents rubbing the dog’s body raw or injuring the dog if it gets tangled up in the harness somehow.
But a harness is better for a pup that is too young to learn commands yet or a large dog that needs training to walk under control or to not pull on the leash. There are special no-pull harnesses that put pressure on the sensitive underside of the dog’s legs when it tries to pull. This is safer than allowing the dog to pull against a collar and possibly injure its neck, or even injure you if the dog is large enough to drag you. A dog harness is also good if your dog rides with you in your vehicle. The harness can be strapped to the seat belt and keep the dog from jumping about in the car or being injured by a fall in a sudden stop.
Make sure that the collar or harness you buy for your dog fits it correctly. It should be snug enough that the animal can’t slip out of it or catch its jaw or limb in one of the straps, but loose enough that you can slip a couple of fingers between the nylon or leather and the dog’s body. Also check regularly that the collar or harness material isn’t damaging the dog’s skin. In short, which is better, collar or harness, depends on the use you intend to make of it. If in doubt, ask your veterinarian for advice.
Creatures Corner Fun Facts
Bouhaki is the earliest cat’s name on record and dates to Egyptian writings of 2000 BC. In the hieroglyphs of the period, “bou” signified house and “hak” was the symbol for divine ruler.
Pig fatty acids and glycerin are used for insecticides, floor waxes, weed killers, water-proofing agents, cement, rubber, crayons, cosmetics, chalk, antifreeze, plastics, putty, cellophane.
Pigs are a source of nearly 40 drugs and pharmaceuticals such as insulin.
Pigeons usually lay two white eggs. The parents take turns keeping their eggs warm (incubating). Males usually stay on the nest during the day, females, at night. Eggs take about 18 days to hatch.
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