CreaturesCorner.com is published by RTN Publishing and is devoted to the health and well being of animals. It also shares fun stories that remind us how much our animal friends enrich our lives.
It offers in-depth product reviews, informative columns and concise articles on animals and how to care for them.
Long-term, consistent advertising leads to the best return on your investment and the affordability of CreaturesCorner.com allows you to advertise consistently for an extended time. We don’t ignore you and you aren’t asked to just point, click and give us a credit card number to start advertising. We take pride in taking the time to speak with you via a phone call or a Zoom meeting and discuss your company, products and services along with your advertising goals with you. The knowledge we gain from the conversation(s) is used to develop an affordable and productive advertising campaign. If you don’t want or need to speak with someone to start advertising, we’re happy to exchange emails as well.
If you’re looking for advertising in the form of banner ad opportunities, professionally written product reviews, feature articles on your company or or a custom package, we’d love to hear from you. For more information contact Robin Nichols at 563-557-7571 or email creaturescornernews@gmail.com.
Read this article to learn more about the value of repetition in advertising.
Say it Again: Messages Are More Effective When They Are Repeated