Like raising chickens, raising, and keeping ducks is becoming more popular. Primarily raised for their meat, more than 30 million ducks are being raised in the United States every year. Though they lay fewer eggs compared to chickens, their eggs are larger and tastier, plus they contain more nutrients. Keeping ducks for business is less troublesome than chickens too since ducks require non-elaborate housing facilities. Compared to chickens, ducks need less attention and less space for rearing.
If you are looking at raising ducks for business purposes, they might make sense, as they are one of the most versatile of the avian species. Their bodies are strong, and they can prosper in wide ranges of climactic and nutritional conditions, making raising them inexpensive. Since they do not lay as many eggs as chickens, it is best to keep most of their eggs for food or for hatching. Ducks do have the ability to produce more eggs than chickens, but to do this they are required to eat 75 percent more egg-laying feeds than chickens, making it less economical. Most raisers choose keeping ducks of the Pekin breed. The American Pekin duck, also called the Long Island Duck, is a domesticated duck, bred from the Mallard of China. They are better egg producers than other breeds and they gain weight quickly. More than 90 percent of duck meat consumed in the US is from Pekin ducks. A 4–7-month mature Pekin duck, on the average, weighs about 9-10 pounds.
Housing for ducks is also inexpensive and can be made from light materials such as bamboo or wood. A space of about 3 to 4 square feet is advisable for each duck. If possible, their housing should be placed close to a moving body of water like a stream. A pond or paddling pool will also work but regular water replacement, about once every two weeks, is advisable. Ducks need water bodies to swim and exercise but keep in mind that duck droppings can turn the water green quickly. Keeping ducks as pets also makes sense, as they are easy to care for and they help eliminate harmful pests in your yard and garden. A duck can live more than ten years and in opposition to popular thinking, ducks aren’t very noisy. They normally quack loud only when they are surprised.
Did You Know
The largest shark is the whale shark at up to 50 feet long. It is not a carnivore.
The largest shark known was the extinct Megalodon that could be up to 60 feet long.
The oceanic, white-tipped sharks are one of the most feared predators.
The smallest sharks are Dwarf Lanternfish at 7 1/2-8 inches.
The most common is the Piked Dogfish shark.
Portuguese sharks dive to a depth of over 9,000 feet.
Snakes are nearsighted.
The first fish keepers were Sumerians, more than 4,500 years ago.
There are more than 20,000 species of fish discovered and probably that many not yet discovered.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
Goldfish are the most popular aquarium fish.
Well cared for Goldfish can live to be as much as 70 years old.
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