Birds have extremely delicate respiratory systems with their lungs operating quite differently than those in humans and other animals. Birds have
Read MoreBurrowing owls are not only intriguing but also full of interesting quirks and facts that make them stand out in the avian world. Enjoy these fun
Read MoreMany people only want hens for eggs or do not want the noise that comes with a rooster, so pullets are ordered. However, sexing chicks is very ha
Read MoreBird owners are often advised to clip the wings of their birds. A common first reaction is that it is a cruel thing to do. After all, birds are m
Read MoreSummer is here and you should be thinking about protecting your birds from the extreme heat. Heat can have a very detrimental effect on birds. Po
Read MoreEver since people have existed, we have watched birds fly and wondered how they did it, wondering also if we too could fly. Only in the 20th cent
Read MoreThe main things to attend to for the first 60 days of a chicks’ life are housing, temperature, food and water, cleanliness. Chicks should be kept ind
Read MoreWhen you have a pet bird or other birds around you, like on a farm or in your yard, you might run the risk of developing something called aspergillos
Read MoreBlue penguins, also known as little penguins or fairy penguins, are fascinating creatures with several fun and interesting facts associated with
Read MoreDisease prevention in waterfowl, and in poultry in general, requires their caretakers to be diligent in three main areas to prevent birds from be
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