
How to Properly Socialize Your Dog for Better Behavior

Everyone knows that dogs are our best friend. This is why getting a dog as your pet can be one of the best things you do in your life. However, if you are getting a new furry best friend, then learning how to socialize your dog around others is crucial.

Most dogs that you see in the dog care are newborns. Additionally, they can be rescued dogs or abandoned dogs as well. However, if the latter two are true, these dogs typically suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) just like many humans. Moreover, many of these dogs have faced abuse from their previous owners, or from other wild dogs and animals.

Therefore, to make them healthy and smile with their tongues out again, then you must socialize your dog. Doing so will not only help them socialize easily with other dogs, and other pets. Moreover, they will behave well with other humans as well.

This article explains how to socialize your dog around other pets and humans in a simple, step-by-step process.

Should You Socialize Your Dog or Not?

If you are about to be a new dog parent, then learning how to socialize your dog is necessary.

There are many reasons why helping your dog to socialize with other pets and humans is a good decision and more importantly, there are reasons why it’s a necessity for your dog, which you can understand by picking up on certain telltale signs. 

Some of these signs are:

1. They Always Seem to Be Alone and Scared

I have seen many friends and neighbors bring new pups or adolescent dogs to their house. However, after having one look at the dog – especially their face – my heart melted. They seemed so scared of everything around them.

Dogs can behave scared around everyone, especially when they are adopted to a new house. However, if this behavior persists for months, it can be a sign of anxiety and trauma from past experiences. Additionally, they might behave this way because they were abused by their previous owners, if any.

Therefore, if your dog is suffering from PTSD, they will prefer spending more time alone and isolated from everyone. Moreover, they will always seem sad and lethargic as well. If you are facing a similar scenario, socializing your dog can do wonders for your furry friend.

2. They Stay Nervous and Shy on Walks

Dogs that require socialization often display similar behavior while outside the house. 

You might notice that whenever you take your dog for a walk, they seem to be less excited about it. Moreover, they might stay nervous and scared of other pets on walks – which is highly unusual. This is a telltale sign that they might have been abused by other wild animals and dogs in the past. Therefore, you must socialize your dog to see the difference.

3. They Are Aggressive Around Other Humans and Pets

If your dog is overly aggressive with other humans and pets (especially dogs), it’s a sign that your dog is trying to protect themselves. This can happen because your dog was often attacked by other dogs and people in the past.

How to Properly Socialize Your Dog for Better Behavior

Now that you know various signs and behavior that signals your dog’s need for socialization, now what? How do you properly socialize your dog so that it can remain comfortable and confident around other pets and humans?

Socializing your dog has no step-by-step process. Every dog is different, and so are their antisocial behaviors. Therefore, depending on how your dog behaves with other animals and humans, your approach to socialize your dog will be different.

1. Socialize Your Dog with New Places

If you see that your dog is wary about going on a walk or even stepping foot outside the house, it means they fear new places.  Therefore, you must take your dog outside your house slowly, a few blocks at a time. For example, to start you can just try taking it outside your house. Next, you can try to walk your dog around your neighborhood, never going too far from your house.  Once your dog becomes comfortable, try taking them to a nearby park. Slowly, your dog will start getting comfortable going outside.

2. Socialize Your Dog with Other Dogs

If your dog fears other dogs, or behaves violently when they see them, acclimatizing them to dog parks will do wonders. Here, they can be around other dogs, and even get to play with them. However, they will be scared at first. Take your dog to the dog park for a few days and make new friends – preferably people with the same dog breed as yours.

Being around other dogs of the same breed can have a calming effect on dogs, as they find comfort in seeing a similar face. Over time, being around other dogs of the same fur can help them socialize easily. Over time, you can soon introduce your dog to dogs of other breeds, so that your paw-fect friend can feel comfortable around everyone and make new friends.

3. Socialize Your Dog with Other People

The third step to properly socialize your dog is to make them feel comfortable around humans. This is necessary because if you don’t do this, your dog will aways bark at anyone who enters your house – and might bite them eventually. However, socializing your dog around humans isn’t just about stopping them from barking too much – it’s also making them comfortable enough to approach them and play with them.

Anyone who enters your house will want to play with your dog and cuddle them, right? Therefore, it’s necessary for you and your friends and family to play with your dog, cuddle them, and make them feel like they are home, around humans who love them.

Now that you know how to socialize your dog properly around other pets and humans, it’s time for you to get busy with your dog. Take them to parks for fresh air and let them meet other dogs and humans to play with them!

With 5 years of experience in the field, Shreyasi Datta is an online entrepreneur by profession and a passionate blogger and content writer. She is passionate about dreamandtravel and petsmagazine. She is optimistic, fun loving, and opinionated.

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