These recipes have been passed on by other horsemen, but please use common sense and consult a veterinarian before trying and using any of these or other homemade recipes and cures that you find.
Electrolytes for Energy Boost
6-ounce container of table salt.
1 ounce container Morton Lite Salt
2 tablespoons Epsom salts
Mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Use 1 1/2 tablespoons of electrolyte mix. You can place on top of grain. If the horse needs a quick boost, mix 1 dose with 4 tablespoons pancake syrup and 4 tablespoons lukewarm water. Put the mixture in a large syringe and squirt it in the horse’s mouth. Note: When using electrolytes of any kind, fresh water must be always available.
Provided by Kathy Andrews, Hunter Cross Farm of Reidsville, NC
Cider Vinegar for Immune System
Feed 2 ounces of cider vinegar twice daily for Vitamin C. This helps stimulate appetite and balance the immune system. Use good cider vinegar from a health food store, not the caramel-colored vinegar usually found in supermarkets.
Provided by Susie L. Johnson of Nags ‘n Rags, Inc., Enumclaw, WA and Lexington, KY.
Raw Eggs for a Shiny Coat
Beat 1 to 3 eggs well and stir into grain once a day for a shiny coat. Because the old egg mixture will attract flies and fly eggs, make sure to clean the feed bucket thoroughly after every feeding. If you decide to try the eggs start gradually as with all new feeds and treats.
Garlic to Combat Parasites
If your horse rubs its tail, feed it one clove of garlic daily. Crush the garlic into the bran mash, feed in a salad or place whole in an apple or treat. Garlic is believed to combat parasites that usually cause a horse to rub its tail. Of course, your horse should be wormed regularly by your veterinarian or with a commercial wormer.
Provided by Liz Gray, a horse farm specialist in Las Vegas, NV.
Listerine Sweat for Refreshing Legs
Cotton bandages and standing wraps
Saran wrap
Apply Listerine generously to your horse’s legs, rubbing gently. Bandage the legs with cotton wraps while they are still wet. Next, cover cotton the bandages by wrapping Saran wrap completely around them. Then wrap with standing wraps as usual. The sweat should not be tight but should be snug enough to stay up overnight. This is an old racetrack remedy for “stocked up” legs and can be used as a refreshing brace after a strenuous workout.
2 pints clear alcohol
2 pints wintergreen alcohol
2 pints witch hazel
1/2 bottle store-bought equine liniment
Pour all ingredients into a clean gallon container. If there is room, top it off with white vinegar. Rub onto horse’s legs and bandage.
Provided by Kathy Andrews of Reidsville, NC.
Hoof Care
1 gallon lanolin
1 gallon pine tar
Mix one gallon lanolin and one gallon pine tar in a large container. Apply it to hooves twice daily when they are dry.
Provided by Ron & Serge Massolin, Serge’s Tack Shop in Ontario, Canada
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