The 4th of July brings picnics, parades, and fireworks. The 5th of July usually brings more stray animals than usual to the shelter. The noise and flash of fireworks scares even pets that are used to being outside. Since fireworks are becoming more common the best advice we have is to keep your pet indoors. For many pets, the most natural reaction to a scare is to run. If, despite your best efforts, your dog or cat gets free and runs, you want to have good ID on the pet. Microchips work best because collars and tags can get pulled off. Make sure you have informed the microchip company of any changes to your contact information. Call the Rutland County Humane Society at 483.6700 to let us know your pet is missing. Please be assured, even if your pet is brought in after hours by law enforcement, they are in a safe, comfortable place until you can retrieve them. Even if we don’t answer the phone, we are staffed 7 days a week.
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