When you have a pet bird or other birds around you, like on a farm or in your yard, you might run the risk of developing something called aspergillosis. Bird aspergillosis is a lung infection that comes from a fungus that is found in areas where bird waste has collected, such as compost piles. With pet birds, if you keep the cage clean there’s little chance, you’ll get aspergillosis. However, if you have larger birds or many birds on your property, there is a greater chance that you could see an outbreak of this infection if you aren’t careful.

There are several symptoms of aspergillosis you should be aware of and look for. Since this is a lung infection that comes from fungus, probably the clearest signs of trouble are going to be wheezing and coughing, coughing up phlegm, and perhaps even an inability to breathe. The birds may also suffer from disorientation, confusion, or a high fever. The first and best step to avoid getting aspergillosis (or any other diseases) is to always make sure cages, pens, and wherever else your bird(s) hang out is clean.
Make sure your animals are living in areas that can be easily cleaned and are cleaned often. Also be sure to dispose of waste in a way that isn’t dangerous to humans, because it does no good to clean out bird waste if it’s still going to be left somewhere that humans might come in contact with it and become sick. If you think that you or anyone in your family has gotten this lung infection despite these precautions, then make sure you see a doctor right away. This illness has various stages it goes through; and like with any other illness, the sooner you catch it the sooner you can nip it in the bud and get better. Always be sure that you notify your physician about what is on your property and what you might have come in contact with as well.
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