A cat’s tail is obviously there for a reason. The tail is used for balance like how a tightrope walker uses a long pole. If the cat is walking al
Read MoreTo understand why a horse bucks, it is helpful to take a closer look at the circumstances before the actual bucking takes place. Horses buck for
Read MoreAgricultural Research Service scientists have discovered why Holsteins, bred to produce more milk, are less fertile than before breeding efforts
Read MoreA common principle that many humans frequently display has to do with mass hysteria. There have been lots of experiments done to prove the validi
Read MoreOne thing owners of pet rodents should remember is that no matter how cute your little pet may look and act, they are all animals and most of the
Read MoreNow that the weather is cooling off prior to winter you will want to evaluate your horse’s body condition, teeth, food, and shelter. You should t
Read MoreThanksgiving is right around the corner. While you’re making preparations for your holiday feasts and family gatherings, Rutland County Humane Societ
Read MoreThere are literally hundreds of afflictions that can affect the health of your fish. There are several precautions which can be taken to reduce t
Read MoreReptiles can make excellent pets, but unfortunately, many new owners end up surprised and unprepared when they find out what it really takes to care
Read MoreWhat most people don’t realize is that most breeds of poultry are quite tolerant to the cold. Chickens have much more trouble dealing with severe
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