Small Animal Pets

3 Reasons to Handle Your Pet Bird Every Day

All pet experts will tell new bird owners to set aside time every day to handle their pets. The questions is why is this so important? Keeping them tame is not the only reason that daily handling is so important. These are three reasons why handling your feathered friend every day is imperative to successful pet bird ownership.

Get to Know What is Normal

Handling your bird every day will give you a good idea of what is normal for your pet in terms of weight and body condition. Because sick birds can become quite thin in a short amount of time, handling your bird often can help you keep a close eye on your pet’s health. This can be helpful in alerting you to any health problems early on.

Keeps Them Tame

Handling helps to keep pet birds tame. Although dogs and cats have been bred for pets for hundreds of years, birds have not. Because of this, they are not domesticated and must be tamed on an individual basis. Handling your bird every day will help build the bond between you and your pet and will deter wild and destructive behavior.

Keeps Them and You Happy

Handling is soothing to both birds and owners. Perhaps the greatest reason for handling your bird is because it is fun. Being loved and petted is great for a pet bird’s mental and emotional health, and research has proven that petting animals can lower stress levels in their human owners. Handling is a win/win situation.

With all these great reasons to invite your bird out to play, you shouldn’t have any trouble at all setting aside an hour or two each day to handle and socialize with your pet. Your bird will benefit from all your love and attention, and in return you will have a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted pet.

Provided by reader Alyson Burgess

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