Reptiles can make excellent pets, but unfortunately, many new owners end up surprised and unprepared when they find out what it really takes to care
Read MoreCold weather and frigid temperatures are just around the corner, so follow these six tips to keep your more comfortable this winter. #1 If you
Read MoreFerrets love to interact with humans and make great pets, but unfortunately, they are prone to some potentially deadly health issues. Adrenal
Read MoreIt is very dangerous for a rabbit to snack on dog or cat food. These foods are designed for carnivores not for herbivores. They are high in prote
Read MoreWith a little patience (and bribery) you can get your chinchilla comfortable with handling. The first step is to simply give a new chinchilla tim
Read MoreThe most important signs of sickness in pocket pets are loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and self-isolation, that is, separating
Read MoreProviding proper care for a ferret helps reduce odors and keeps them healthier. Diet Ferrets are obligate carnivores - meat eaters. They ne
Read MoreIf you are pet owner, you need to think about the proper way to treat your pet. This task might be easier if you take the time to think about it
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