The Rutland County Humane Society (RCHS) is holding an online pet photo contest, “Pet Mania,” from September 12 at 8:00am until September 26 at 7:00pm. For $5, you can submit up to five photos of your furry friends. Then, make sure to let your friends and family know it’s time to vote. It is $1 per vote, and you can vote as many times as you would like. Participants are encouraged to share their entry on social media. The winning photo will be on the cover of the RCHS 2023 wall calendar. The second through fourth place winners will be the featured photograph for a specific month. Additionally, if you are interested in a guaranteed spot in the calendar, you can reserve a specific day to honor your pet for $10, and your pet’s photo will appear on the day of your choice. This can be for your pet’s adoption anniversary, birthday, loved one’s birthday, memorial or really any special day. Visit the RCHS website at RCHSVT.org to learn more, enter your photo, or vote for your favorite pet. You can also pre-order your calendar, just in time for the holidays. If you have any questions, please contact Sam at 802.483.9171 xt 203 or at Sam@rchsvt.org .
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