The goal of any goat-herd health program should be to increase efficiency and productivity. Herd health programs should include general husbandry
Read MoreBirds pluck their feathers for several reasons. In the wild, they use plucked feathers to line their nests during breeding season. Many bird feat
Read MoreMore and more dogs and cats are living well into their elder years. This means that pets are more likely to suffer from a kind of dementia called
Read MoreWith a little patience (and bribery) you can get your chinchilla comfortable with handling. The first step is to simply give a new chinchilla tim
Read MoreIt is not uncommon for a horse to become skeptical of elevated items close to them as most feel that they are vulnerable to attack from the side
Read MoreThe Rutland County Humane Society (RCHS) is holding an online pet photo contest, "Pet Mania," from September 12 at 8:00am until September 26 at 7
Read MoreTetanus is a neuromuscular disease that causes paralysis, rigidity and, often, death in horses. Toxins released from the bacteria clostridium tet
Read MoreThe most obvious difference in anatomy is that there are only two teats on the goat udder vs. four on cow udders. Less obvious is the relatively
Read MoreThe most important signs of sickness in pocket pets are loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and self-isolation, that is, separating
Read MoreThere are many species of avian lice, some of which are named after the bird they parasitize or the area of the body they prefer. Lice are wingless i
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