Reindeer are prominent in our holiday music and images. They pull Santa’s sleigh, have names, and can fly. But how much do you really know about
Read MoreThroughout history, humans have formed unique bonds with animals, working together to accomplish various tasks. One such remarkable collaboration
Read MoreIn 344 BC a horse named Bucephalus was offered to King Philip of Macedonia for purchase. After dismissing the horse as unmanageable and impossible to
Read MoreFor as long as there have been wars, animals both large and small have been drafted into military service. From the time honored and traditional to t
Read MoreWe all know that politicians never seem to be in a hurry to get anything done and that includes changing laws about horses. Believe it or not, the fo
Read MoreIn the annals of American history, the Pony Express occupies a legendary status as a symbol of speed, courage, and innovation. During the mid-19t
Read MoreIn America we think of chickens as a simple-minded bird that we keep for their eggs or that we eventually eat, but throughout history, the chicke
Read MoreThe Inca were cloth makers, the likes of whom Europe had never known. Inca weavers made bridges from cords, wove roofs from fibers, and counted t
Read MoreWithin the animal kingdom, ways of greeting members of one’s own species vary considerably. For instance, wild dolphins welcome their pals using
Read MoreBelieve it or not, the following laws are still considered valid and enforceable. So be careful, especially if you are a chicken thief that lives in
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